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What People Are Saying




I had no idea what I was getting into when I took Zach's Spring Cleanse, but it transformed my idea of nourishment - not just food, but the importance of daily self-care.  After years of digestive issues, thanks to Zach's simple Ayurvedic food chart, I'm making balanced choices that are satisfying and healing.  More importantly, the daiIly practices - gratitude, meditation - have rid my life of unnecessary stress and anxiety.






Knowing I was part of a group and supported by a great teacher helped so much along the way, especially during the days where I wanted to stop (or indulge in cheese!). I learned a lot about my eating habits, what foods/flavors I'm attracted and what I'm not, and just the art of being mindful with my choices. I felt great at the end; a sense of spaciousness and lightness in the body and mind.


Mary Beth




I thoroughly enjoyed the Spring Cleanse journey with Zach. The structure and content of the cleanse were well thought out and executed. I felt as though I had ample support to take each day as it was designed and could then be open to noticing what might be gleaned from each step of the process!



April 9, 2016



Spring Yoga

3940 N Lincoln

Chicago, IL



(deadline: April 6)
includes orientation, guidebook, and supplies

Let Zach guide your journey to vibrant health this spring with this unique & effective cleanse program. Become more mindful about your habits and change them for the better!


Ayurveda (ancient Indian science of life) provides a complete system for understanding our health inside and out. An ayurvedic cleanse does not focus on fasting, juicing or raw foods. Instead, we place equal emphasis on cleansing impurities and nourishing the body through eating easily digestible foods and incorporating specific daily lifestyle practices.


Goals of the cleanse:

  1. Balance Digestion — Give a “break” to the digestive system by eating very easily digestible food, allowing a gradual rebalancing of digestive function

  2. Cleanse Impurities — Draw the undigested food-stuff that sticks in our bodies into the GI tract for elimination from the system

  3. Become Mindful — Recognize patterns of behavior and make changes from a clean slate after the cleanse period, when the body is most receptive to better habits


Cleanse Protocol Options

The Spring Renewal program offers 3 different cleanse protocols depending on your current health, lifestyle demands, and experience with cleansing:

  • The Gentle Protocol involves the simplest practices that are gentle enough for anyone to take on, no matter your age or health.

  • The Moderate Protocol offers the option for deeper cleansing while still maintaining enough ease for daily lifestyle demands.

  • The Deep Cleanse Protocol is for those who are in good health, are able to take a couple days of rest during the second week, and may have past experience with cleansing. This is the most rigorous protocol and therefore requires the most commitment.

We will cover the differences between each of these options in detail during orientation.


Comprehensive Guidebook

The detailed guidebook will be your best friend! It's filled with detailed information about all of the daily practices. It also includes a daily practice chart for each Protocol Option, so you don't have to think too hard about what you're doing everyday. It also includes a section of Daily Observation Journal pages, where you can track and learn about your daily lifestyle and food habits.


Other Program Practices:

  • Yoga Nidra — Practice a guided experience of deep relaxation and meditation

  • Self-Oil Massage (Abhyanga) — Experience one of the most nourishing and supportive self-care techniques from the ayurvedic tradition

  • Kitchari — Learn how to make traditional and delicious ayurvedic meal


Your Cleanse Kit includes:

  • All food supplies for the cleanse (rice, mung dal, ghee, & spices)

  • 16oz organic body oil (sesame)

  • 4tsp organic castor oil

  • Triphala (ayurvedic herb used to support digestive health)

  • A tongue scraper

  • A comprehensive guidebook


Extended Group Support

As a registrant, you are also eligible to receive extended support over your three-week experience, including:

  • Weekly E-Newsletters with additional tips and support

  • Access to a private Facebook group

  • 1 group phone call Thurs, 4/21 at 7:00pm

  • Private email support with Zach


Specific questions? Email Zach!


Registration Deadline: Wednesday, April 6

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