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What is Yoga?

Yoga means to yoke, or to unite. It is not exclusively a physical practice. In fact, what most people think of as yoga (asana or postures) is only one small aspect of the traditional scope of yoga.

The practice merges the individual with the universal. It is our ability to see beyond the aspects of identity and attachment, recognizing the true Self within, our spirit or consciousness.

The main component in this process of Self-realization is
meditation. Meditation is really where the “work” of our yoga practice is done. Everything else (lifestyle, asana, pranayama) is a preparation.

In classical yoga, there is an emphasis on citta, or the mind. It is through the power of concentration and the focusing of the mind that we attain this state of yoga.

Hatha (ha: sun or energy; tha: moon or mind)

The first step is calming the mind; learning to be still and at ease. Next is the expansion of energy;

becoming vibrant and powerful.

Hatha yoga, then, is the practice of harmonizing the aspects of sun and moon. Practically, that means balancing your energy and your mind, so neither is out of control.

The first step is calming the mind; learning to be still and at ease. Next is the expansion of energy;

becoming vibrant and powerful.

Once the moon has been made steady, the sun can be made to rise.

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