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The Importance of Lineage

zachdoesyoga yoga chicago yoga lincoln square yoga instructor chicago tantric yoga tantra ayurveda​

zachdoesyoga yoga chicago yoga lincoln square yoga instructor chicago tantric yoga tantra ayurveda

zachdoesyoga yoga chicago yoga lincoln square yoga instructor chicago tantric yoga tantra ayurveda

zachdoesyoga yoga chicago yoga lincoln square yoga instructor chicago tantric yoga tantra ayurveda

zachdoesyoga yoga chicago yoga lincoln square yoga instructor chicago tantric yoga tantra ayurveda

​What Zach teaches is not something he came up with in his living room, but is knowledge and wisdom that has been passed down from teacher to student for thousands of years. The teachings are a culmination of the work and practice of each person before, illuminating the path.


Zach believes in the importance of having a living teacher and currently studies under the wisdom of Yogarupa Rod Stryker.

Like links in a chain, one person's experience is shared and passed down to the next.

Like links in a chain, one person's experience is shared and passed down to the next.

Links in the Chain

Influential teachers and colleagues:

Jim Bennitt

James Tennant

Abby Factor

Rich Logan


​Mia Park​

Lauren Rae Goggins

Paul Weitz

Karen Klutznick



​Keely Jones

Marcelyn Cole

Emily Claire Palmer

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