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What is Tantra*?

(tan: to stretch; tra: beyond limits)

zachdoesyoga yoga chicago yoga lincoln square yoga instructor chicago tantric yoga tantra ayurveda​

zachdoesyoga yoga chicago yoga lincoln square yoga instructor chicago tantric yoga tantra ayurveda

zachdoesyoga yoga chicago yoga lincoln square yoga instructor chicago tantric yoga tantra ayurveda

zachdoesyoga yoga chicago yoga lincoln square yoga instructor chicago tantric yoga tantra ayurveda

zachdoesyoga yoga chicago yoga lincoln square yoga instructor chicago tantric yoga tantra ayurveda

​The whole point of our yoga practice is to make our lives easier, meaningful, and fulfilled. Tantra gives us the tools to make these transformations.

Tantra is a worldview and a science. The philosophy teaches that the underlying truth of reality is beauty and bliss. The science gives us practices that lead us to a life free from fear and full of joy.


Different from classical yoga where the emphasis is on gaining mastery over the mind to achieve the state of yoga, in tantra there is an emphasis on the mastery of prana, or energy. It is through the shaping of prana that we find the state of yoga.


It is much easier to change our energy than to change our mind. With enough consistent practice of shaping your own energy, the mind will naturally change on its own.


We experience the wonder of tantra everyday—it is not some elusive or esoteric happening. Any moment inspiration moves through you, that is tantra. The moment in a trying situation when clarity decends and creates a change of heart, that is tantra. These spontaneous moments of grace are glimpses into the wonder of our world and our own capacity.


​The whole point of our yoga practice is to make our lives easier, meaningful, and fulfilled. Tantra gives us

the tools to make these transformations.



(*Let's be real—tantra has a taboo connotation these days. Please recognize that the scope of tantra is much more vast than what you will find in the "sexuality" section at Borders.)



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